Certifications and Partnership

We are at the forefront of Integrated Production, which includes indications of sustainable cultivation and a drastic reduction in the use of pesticides. Integrated agriculture optimizes the use of resources and technical means and contributes to the protection of crops as well as consumers. Everything is certified by the National Quality System of Integrated Production SQNPI, which through controls on the supply chain confers the Sustainable Quality mark.

A part of our land is dedicated to ICEA certified organic production (Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification), synonymous with guarantee at European level. The organic method provides for the exclusion of GMOs and synthetic chemicals, the use of natural fertilizers and the practice of green manuring, which consists in cultivating biocidal plants destined to be chopped and buried to act as green fertilizer.

In harmony with choices and investments that favor healthiness and traceability, we boast the achievement of the GLOBAL G.A.P. certification, which provides a guarantee on production methods and a responsible approach to food safety. This certification qualifies us as producers for large-scale distribution in national and international markets.

We have implemented the GLOBAL GAP standard with the GRASP module, required by the main suppliers of large-scale distribution attentive to the enhancement of performance and human resources. This module allows you to improve aspects related to good social practices: responsibility of leadership, workers conditions, contracts and wages.

To meet the growing demand for a safer, more careful and sustainable agriculture, we have obtained the GLOBALGAP + ADD-ON certification. It is an additional module that certifies the high quality of specific processes of our production chain by offering buyers customized solutions and tailor-made guarantees.

The registration in the Network of quality agricultural work, established at the Italian INPS to identify virtuous agricultural enterprises, certifies compliance with the rules on labor and social legislation, as well as the recognition of ethical behavior in carrying out activities.

The Patata del Fucino PGI (Protected Geographical Identification) brand identifies the production of our potato, certifying its compliance with the requirements established in the production regulations. The physical and chemical properties, which make this tuber unique and inimitable, come from the synergy between land, water and the microclimate of the cultivation environment.

Since 2013, we have been part of the OPOA MARSIA agricultural cooperative, the largest organization of fruit and vegetable producers in the Fucino plain. A partnership that provides for the high-quality standard of the products, the adjustment of the volume of the offer to the needs of the market, the reduction of production costs and waste management.