With its typical semi-bullous rosette leaves, the spinach is characterized by a fleshy and crunchy texture, a strong flavor and an intense green color. Baby spinach is the variant harvested when the leaves are still small, characterized by a bright green color, a tender consistency and a fresh and delicate taste.

Spinach is versatile as a main dish or side dish and its leaves are delicious as boiled, steamed, sautéed, as a filling or au gratin in the oven. The spinach leaves are excellent for preparing delicious recipes and can be eaten as main dish, combined with other salads or as a side dish.


The spinach (scientific name Spinacia oleracea) is an herbaceous plant belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, with fleshy green leaves and very small flowers. 

The good iron intake makes spinach excellent in case of anemia or deficiencies. It is important to know that the amount of iron is not very high (certainly not as high as the nice Popeye sailor has made us think over the years), and is comparable to that of other types of vegetables, such as the Cauliflower.

100 grams of spinach provide only 23 calories, therefore it is particularly suitable for low-calorie diets. In addition to being delicious and versatile, it contains many beneficial substances, primarily large quantities of vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin K, not to mention the content of mineral salts including phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.

To enjoy the nutritional benefits at the fullest, it is advisable to combine the consumption of spinach with a source of vitamin C, such as lemon: seasoning the spinach with a little of its juice, in fact, facilitates the bioavailability and intake of iron.

Therefore, the image of spinach, which has always been associated with the idea of the strong sailor Popeye, represents an extremely complete source, not only of iron, but also of many other precious nutrients for the well-being of the organism.

Dr. Manola Laterza, Nutritionist Biologist